Convention Schedule
Where in the world am I?

Due to COVID-19, all in-person conventions have been cancelled or postponed until further notice.  In the meantime, please take a look at my shop here!

EmblemCon 2021 (online via Discord) May 14-16  2021:  website

Previous Cons:
Anime Ohio 2019 (Cincinnati, OH)
⭑ Anime Midwest 2019 (Rosemont, IL)
Matsuricon 2019 (Columbus, OH)

Hope to see you there, I’d love to meet you guys!  If you can’t make it, you can always check out my shop at . During con season, it’ll be closed until the cons are over, (unless otherwise noted) just a heads up!
Any others are TBA, I’m an art student, so summer is the time I do stuff like this!